Sunday, November 21, 2010


Visiting Mumbai for the first time  an as usual being a student of history I read about history of Mumbai or Bombay as it was known in the old days and saw that the growth of Mumbai was not just a crazy idea but was done with a planned idea to make it a commercial hub. So the first question which came to my mind was why. To get the answer I looked into the map of Mumbai and observed that firstly Mumbai was situated in the west so it had to had first contact when the foreigners came and secondly it was the only place from where cotton could have been exported or imported and all the foreigners came to our country for that.  Secondly with  the developments of Bengal during the 1900  it was important to create another centre and Mumbai was the perfect answer to Bengal.

Lets leave that because I would be dealing with the history of Mumbai more in a detailed manner but the most that thing amazed me was the trains and the confluence of people in the trains from each and every class and that’s something. Really when  trains were started no one had thought that also that trains would form such a part if life. The most distinguishing feature of Mumbai trains from the other local trains of other cities is that it is used as a mode of transport within the city and not to come to the city.

I have just landed and slowly the city is creepingly trying to charm me. Lets see.  

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